

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yep…I know its been a while! The start of week #4 really took its toll on me and my body. I got some nice bruises, which mean some minor torn muscles. So I laid off the running for a few days, and decided to start back with week 3.

I started week 3 again yesterday, and really could feel the effect of taking 3 days off. I got a bit winded near the end of the run, and had to keep my speeds pretty much the same as they have been.

I am not hurting today! Which is a big bonus for me, and I haven’t noticed any more bruising, which means no more torn muscles!! I haven’t lost a ton of weight, but I am noticing a loss of inches! I had my measurements taken on April 28 and again on May 27, and have pretty much lost 1 inch all over my body! I am getting excited!

I was so excited that I went out and bought myself a pair of skimpy running shorts. Then I ran in them Monday. Okay, so I decided that I need to loose a few more inches around my legs before I can really run in them… But they looked pretty cute!

Wish me luck tomorrow morning! I am going again on day 2 of week 3!


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