

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

So I am totally feeling blah lately. I have a serious case of the grumps and can’t figure out why. I hadn't run in about a week and really had lost all my motivation to. I think the tough time I had with week 4 of the program really got to me more than I realized. So, I decided yesterday to get off the treadmill and move outside. It was great to be outside! I went and ran in the cemetery which is pretty much shady and cool. I kept with my week 3 regimen, and boy oh boy did it kick my butt! I am thinking I should start fresh at week 1 to run outside! I was thinking that I might have some sore shins, because it was tough to run on the pavement, but I am feeling alright this morning. My knees did ache all night, but no problems so far today. So I am going to start fresh at week 1 and keep it up outside, since when I run my first 5k it is going to be outside, not on a treadmill.


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