

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Where have I been??

So, that is the million dollar question that I have been asking myself over and over the past few week. I took a break from running...I don't know why.. I loved it, I missed it, I craved it..but I needed a break. And, well it's a good thing I did. I have had a monster head cold for it seems like decades! I can't sleep, I can't breathe, I can't run! Crap! I am miserable. On a good note, I did sign up for my first 5K!! I know can you believe it?!?! Me either, I am scared to death, especially since I am no where close to being ready. I just hope they don't mind that I am planning on walking a great deal of the course...Oh well!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

So I am totally feeling blah lately. I have a serious case of the grumps and can’t figure out why. I hadn't run in about a week and really had lost all my motivation to. I think the tough time I had with week 4 of the program really got to me more than I realized. So, I decided yesterday to get off the treadmill and move outside. It was great to be outside! I went and ran in the cemetery which is pretty much shady and cool. I kept with my week 3 regimen, and boy oh boy did it kick my butt! I am thinking I should start fresh at week 1 to run outside! I was thinking that I might have some sore shins, because it was tough to run on the pavement, but I am feeling alright this morning. My knees did ache all night, but no problems so far today. So I am going to start fresh at week 1 and keep it up outside, since when I run my first 5k it is going to be outside, not on a treadmill.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I've lost my motivation to run..I don't know what is going on. I was doing really well and really enjoying it...but this week I suck. My alarm goes off to get up and I reset it for later...I was doing really good but I think it might be time to move outside. Maybe that will being my motivation back...I am depressed today, I feel lost, yucky and blah!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

So today I really didn’t want to get out of bed… you have those mornings too…right?! But I did. Yep I fought back the urge to reset the alarm for 45 minutes later and I got to it. I kept it pretty easy today by keeping the speeds pretty low. I walked at 3.0 mph and jogged at 4.0 mph. I didn't get winded and other than the burning in my calves, it felt really good..

I have noticed that when I run, I tend to scrunch up my toes on my right foot. Its weird… I know, so I have to really think about letting them relax and use the room in the toes of my shoes. Also, I noticed that I am not heel striking when I run. I used to… but I am not now… Hmmmm…weird I know. I used to be a pretty hard heel striker, I think that is what caused a lot of my leg problems (shin splints, stress fractures etc). SO I think I am getting better. Albeit, slowly… :o)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yep…I know its been a while! The start of week #4 really took its toll on me and my body. I got some nice bruises, which mean some minor torn muscles. So I laid off the running for a few days, and decided to start back with week 3.

I started week 3 again yesterday, and really could feel the effect of taking 3 days off. I got a bit winded near the end of the run, and had to keep my speeds pretty much the same as they have been.

I am not hurting today! Which is a big bonus for me, and I haven’t noticed any more bruising, which means no more torn muscles!! I haven’t lost a ton of weight, but I am noticing a loss of inches! I had my measurements taken on April 28 and again on May 27, and have pretty much lost 1 inch all over my body! I am getting excited!

I was so excited that I went out and bought myself a pair of skimpy running shorts. Then I ran in them Monday. Okay, so I decided that I need to loose a few more inches around my legs before I can really run in them… But they looked pretty cute!

Wish me luck tomorrow morning! I am going again on day 2 of week 3!